How to Land Your First Web3 Job: A Guide for Both Technical and Non-Technical Roles

Chimezie Chuta
17 min readJun 15, 2023


The article aims to demystify the job hunting process in the Web3 and Blockchain sector, explaining what Web3 is, its potential, the various job roles (both technical and non-technical), necessary skill sets, and the job search strategies that will help prospective candidates break into this promising sector.

An Introduction to Web3

The term “Web3” is shorthand for what is often described as the third generation of the internet, following Web1 (the read-only internet) and Web2 (the read-write internet). Web3, or the decentralized web, is poised to redefine the digital landscape by emphasizing peer-to-peer interactions without the need for intermediaries. This new era of the internet is largely powered by blockchain technology and decentralized networks, offering new ways of creating, storing, and exchanging value.

Web1, which began in the early 1990s, was the first generation of the Internet. It was a read-only network where users could access information but not interact with it. Web2 evolved from this, turning the internet into a read-write network where users could create and share their own content. However, Web2 was largely centralized, with a few major platforms controlling much of the online world.

Web3 seeks to transform the internet once again, this time into a fully decentralized network. In Web3, users have full control over their own data and digital identities. They can create, share, and monetize content without relying on central authorities. Instead of being passive consumers, users become active participants in a decentralized digital economy.

Blockchain technology is at the heart of Web3. Blockchains are decentralized, immutable ledgers that enable peer-to-peer transactions without the need for a trusted middleman. This technology underpins cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, but its potential uses go far beyond that. From decentralized finance (DeFi) to non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and decentralized applications (DApps), blockchain is enabling a new generation of digital services that are transparent, trustless, and censorship-resistant.

Web3 is more than just a technological upgrade — it’s a paradigm shift in how we think about and interact with the digital world. It promises to democratize access to digital resources, protect user privacy, and promote economic inclusivity. However, like any emerging technology, it also comes with challenges and risks. These range from technical complexity and regulatory uncertainty to market volatility and security threats.

As we stand at the dawn of the Web3 era, it’s an exciting time to explore the opportunities this new paradigm offers. Whether you’re a developer, an entrepreneur, a designer, a writer, or simply a curious mind, there are countless ways to engage with and contribute to the Web3 ecosystem. This journey might not always be easy, but the potential rewards — for individuals, communities, and society as a whole — make it a path worth pursuing.

Let’s use the evolution of mobile communication technology as an analogy to explain the transition from Web 1.0 to Web 3.0.

Web 1.0 (The Read-Only Web) vs. 1G Mobile Technology

Web 1.0, which is sometimes referred to as the “read-only” web, can be compared to the first generation (1G) of mobile communication. 1G introduced us to mobile voice calls but had limited functionality, similar to how Web 1.0 provided users with static, read-only web pages where interaction and content creation were minimal.

Web 2.0 (The Read-Write Web) vs. 2G/3G Mobile Technology

The second generation (2G) of mobile technology introduced digital standards, enhancing voice clarity and introducing services like SMS and MMS. The later 3G revolution built upon this, enabling greater mobile data transmission and services like mobile internet access and video calling. These developments mirror the transition to Web 2.0, the “read-write” web, which allowed users to interact with web pages and create their own content. Social media, blogging platforms, and e-commerce sites flourished during this era, much like the proliferation of mobile apps and services in the 2G/3G era.

Web 3.0 (The Decentralized Web) vs. 4G/5G Mobile Technology

The third generation of the web, Web 3.0, is akin to the fourth and fifth generations (4G/5G) of mobile technology. Just as 4G and 5G technologies have enabled faster data speeds, lower latency, and the rise of IoT devices, Web 3.0 is about creating a more connected, decentralized internet where data is controlled by users instead of centralized entities. In this web era, machines can interact with each other due to semantic web standards, and users can interact directly with decentralized applications (dApps) using blockchain technology. The push towards decentralization mirrors the development of edge computing in the 5G era, which moves processing power closer to users to improve speed and efficiency.

Understanding the Potential of Web3

Building upon the foundations of Web 1.0 and Web 2.0, Web3 introduces new paradigms in the way we perceive, exchange, and control digital value.

One of the core tenets of Web3 is the principle of decentralization, largely enabled by blockchain technology. Decentralization in Web3 means the elimination of central authorities that control information and services, replacing them with peer-to-peer networks that empower individual users. In a decentralized Web3 world, users have complete control over their own data, content, and digital assets.

The implementation of smart contracts, self-executing contracts with the terms of agreement directly written into code, expands the potential of Web3 even further. Smart contracts enable the creation of decentralized applications (DApps) that run on blockchain networks, opening new avenues for software development, business models, and user interactions.

One of the most transformative aspects of Web3 is the advent of decentralized finance (DeFi). DeFi utilizes blockchain and smart contracts to recreate and improve upon traditional financial systems, providing services like lending, borrowing, trading, and earning interest in a decentralized, permissionless manner. This brings financial services to anyone with an internet connection, even those who are unbanked or underbanked.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), another product of the Web3 environment, have transformed the art and entertainment industries by providing a method of verifying uniqueness and ownership in the digital world. NFTs have wider implications too, from proving authenticity in supply chains to demonstrating proof of identity.

The concept of a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) is also gaining traction. DAOs are organizations run by rules encoded as smart contracts, with decisions made collectively by their members. They enable a new form of organizational structure, one that is transparent, democratic, and free from centralized control.

The potential of Web3 extends to many other areas, including privacy protection, censorship resistance, supply chain management, identity verification, and more. These possibilities make Web3 an attractive arena for innovation, entrepreneurship, and investment.

However, as with any technology, the road to realizing the full potential of Web3 is not without challenges. Technical complexities, regulatory uncertainties, and security issues, among others, are obstacles that need to be addressed. Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of Web3 — empowerment of individuals, democratization of digital resources, increased transparency and trust — make it an exciting frontier in the evolution of the internet.

The Web3 and blockchain sector in Africa is burgeoning, with an increasing number of startups, established companies, and government initiatives exploring the use of this technology. Here are a few career opportunities available for Web3 talents in Africa:

  1. Blockchain Developer: There’s a growing demand for developers who can build blockchain systems and decentralized applications (DApps). Many African startups and tech companies are working on blockchain-based solutions for various sectors.
  2. Crypto Trader/Analyst: As cryptocurrencies become more popular in Africa, there are opportunities for traders and analysts who understand these markets.
  3. Blockchain Consultant: Companies looking to implement blockchain technology often need guidance on how to do so effectively. If you have a good understanding of blockchain and its applications, this could be a promising career path.
  4. Community Manager: Many blockchain projects are community-driven. Managers are needed to engage these communities and facilitate communication between the project team and its users or stakeholders.
  5. Content Creator/Marketer: With the rise of blockchain and crypto in Africa, there’s a need for professionals who can create engaging content and design marketing campaigns to promote these technologies and related products or services.
  6. Legal Advisor: Given the regulatory uncertainties around blockchain and cryptocurrencies, legal advisors with an understanding of these technologies are in demand.

In terms of securing and landing high-paying jobs in this sector, here are some strategies:

  1. Develop Relevant Skills: Whether you’re interested in a technical or non-technical role, it’s important to develop the necessary skills. This might involve learning to code, understanding how blockchain works, studying the cryptocurrency market, etc.
  2. Network: Attend blockchain-related events, join online communities, and connect with people who work in this sector. Networking can often lead to job opportunities.
  3. Stay Updated: The blockchain sector is rapidly evolving. By staying up-to-date with the latest trends, technologies, and regulations, you can demonstrate to potential employers that you’re knowledgeable and passionate about this field.
  4. Gain Experience: If you’re new to this sector, you might want to start with an internship or entry-level job to gain experience. You can also work on your own blockchain projects or contribute to open-source projects.
  5. Showcase Your Skills: Build a strong portfolio if you’re a developer, or a solid track record of your work in your field. This can significantly increase your chances of landing a high-paying job.
  6. Apply Broadly: Don’t limit your search to local companies. Many blockchain companies are open to remote work, which means you can apply for jobs all over the world.
  7. Prepare Well for Interviews: Be ready to discuss your understanding of blockchain technology, your relevant experience, and why you’re interested in this field. The more clearly you can communicate your value, the better your chances of landing the job.

Necessary Skills and Qualifications

The Web3 ecosystem is varied and dynamic, requiring a diverse range of skills and qualifications depending on the specific role one seeks. Whether technical or non-technical, there are fundamental skills and areas of knowledge that anyone aspiring to join the Web3 workforce should consider developing.

Technical Roles:

  1. Blockchain Developer: Responsible for developing and optimizing blockchain protocols, crafting the architecture of blockchain systems, and developing smart contracts and web apps using blockchain technology.
  2. Smart Contract Developer: Specializes in creating contracts using languages such as Solidity or Vyper, which are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code.
  3. DApp Developer: Develops decentralized applications (DApps) that run on a P2P network of computers rather than a single computer.
  4. Cryptographer: Works on securing networked systems and improving data integrity by developing new cryptographic algorithms and protocols.
  5. Protocol Engineer: Specializes in designing and implementing network protocols, especially for the purposes of communication and data transfer in a decentralized system.
  6. Blockchain Solution Architect: Designs, assigns, and connects blockchain solution components with the appropriate blockchain.
  7. Blockchain Quality Engineer: Works on quality assurance and testing of blockchain projects. They ensure that any products or systems meet certain standards before they are deployed.
  8. Blockchain Data Scientist: Collects, manages, analyzes, and interprets large volumes of data generated by a blockchain. This role involves predictive modeling and statistical analysis to provide insights and aid decision-making.
  9. Blockchain Security Expert: Specializes in assessing, managing, and mitigating risks associated with blockchain technology. They ensure that blockchain systems are secure from potential threats or breaches.
  10. Cryptocurrency Analyst: Works on interpreting data on cryptocurrencies, tracking trends, predicting potential investment opportunities, and advising organizations accordingly.
  11. Frontend and Backend Developers for Blockchain Applications: These roles involve building the interfaces and underlying logic for applications built on top of blockchain systems.
  12. Blockchain Legal Consultant or Expert: While not always a purely technical role, this job involves a deep understanding of both blockchain technology and the legal landscape to ensure compliance with laws and regulations.
  13. Blockchain UX Designer: Works on creating intuitive user interfaces and experiences for DApps and other blockchain-based platforms.
  14. Blockchain Project Manager: Although this role involves a lot of management tasks, it requires a solid technical understanding of blockchain technologies to effectively guide a team through a blockchain project from start to finish.

Non-Technical Roles:

List of non-technical job roles within the Web3 and blockchain sector:

  1. Blockchain Consultant: Offers advice to businesses about how they can use blockchain technology to improve their operations. This role may involve creating strategies, guiding implementations, and educating clients about the technology.
  2. Community Manager: Works on building, growing, and managing communities around a project. In the context of blockchain, these communities often include developers, users, investors, and other stakeholders.
  3. Cryptocurrency Trader: Buys and sells cryptocurrencies with the aim of making a profit. This role requires an understanding of financial markets and an ability to analyze trends, but it does not necessarily require deep technical knowledge.
  4. Cryptocurrency Analyst: Studies market trends in the cryptocurrency industry, forecasting potential opportunities for investment. They typically work for financial institutions, investment firms, or even news agencies.
  5. Blockchain Project Manager: Oversees projects from inception to completion, ensuring they stay on track in terms of goals, timeline, and budget. This requires an understanding of blockchain technology but not necessarily the ability to code or design systems.
  6. Blockchain Content Writer/Editor: Writes and edits a variety of content types related to blockchain technology, such as blog posts, whitepapers, and marketing copy. This requires a clear understanding of blockchain and the ability to explain complex topics in a way that’s easy for non-technical people to understand.
  7. Blockchain Marketing Specialist: Develops and implements marketing strategies to promote a blockchain project or a company. They might manage social media accounts, create promotional materials, or coordinate events.
  8. Blockchain Business Development Manager: Identifies and creates growth opportunities for a blockchain company. They build relationships with partners, customers, and stakeholders and often help to shape the company’s strategic direction.
  9. Blockchain Lawyer/Legal Advisor: Provides legal advice on matters related to blockchain and cryptocurrencies, such as intellectual property rights, contract law, data privacy, compliance, and regulation.
  10. Blockchain HR Specialist: Specializes in recruiting and hiring for blockchain companies. This requires a solid understanding of the industry and the different roles within it, but not necessarily technical skills.
  11. Blockchain Financial Analyst/Advisor: Provides financial advice related to blockchain investments. They might work for a financial institution, a private investor, or a blockchain company.
  12. Blockchain Sales Manager: Focuses on selling blockchain solutions to businesses. They need to understand the technology well enough to explain its benefits to potential customers but don’t usually need deep technical skills.

Web3 careers are attractive to young people in Sub-Saharan Africa for several reasons:

  1. Economic Opportunities: Web3 careers often offer competitive compensation compared to many traditional jobs, providing an attractive path to economic advancement. These jobs also often allow for remote work, opening up opportunities with companies around the world.
  2. Financial Inclusion: Web3 technologies like blockchain and cryptocurrencies are enabling new forms of financial services that can reach people who have traditionally been underserved by the banking system. Working in this sector is an opportunity to be part of this transformative change.
  3. Growing Market: Africa has one of the fastest-growing cryptocurrency markets in the world. This rapid growth is creating many job opportunities in the sector.
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship: The Web3 space is full of opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship. For those with a startup mindset, it’s an exciting field to be in.
  5. Skill Development: Working in the Web3 sector is an excellent way to develop highly sought-after technical and non-technical skills.
  6. Future-Proof Career: Blockchain and Web3 technologies are still in their early stages, and their impact is expected to grow in the coming years. Careers in this sector are therefore seen as future-proof and full of potential for growth.
  7. Social Impact: Blockchain and Web3 technologies have the potential to address several social and economic issues prevalent in Sub-Saharan Africa, such as corruption, land ownership disputes, and difficulties in cross-border trade. Working in this field provides an opportunity to contribute to solving these problems.

Educational Resources and Learning Pathways

Breaking into the Web3 and blockchain sector might seem daunting, but with the right resources and a well-structured learning pathway, you can equip yourself with the necessary skills and knowledge. Here are some educational resources and potential learning pathways to get you started.

Online Courses and Tutorials

  1. Coursera: Coursera offers a range of courses on blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and related topics. Courses like “Blockchain Basics” and “Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies” can provide a good start.
  2. Udemy: Udemy hosts several detailed courses on blockchain development, Ethereum, Solidity, and more. Look for highly-rated courses with updated content.
  3. CryptoZombies: This is an interactive code school that teaches you to write smart contracts in Solidity through building your own crypto-collectables game.
  4. ChainShot: Offers interactive coding tutorials on blockchain, covering topics like building decentralized applications on Ethereum.

Books and Reading Materials

  1. “Mastering Bitcoin” and “Mastering Ethereum” by Andreas M. Antonopoulos provide comprehensive guides to the technologies behind Bitcoin and Ethereum.
  2. “The Age of Cryptocurrency” by Paul Vigna and Michael J. Casey offers a detailed introduction to the history and potential of cryptocurrencies.
  3. “The Book of Satoshi” by Phil Champagne compiles essential writings on Bitcoin, including the original white paper.

Online Communities and Forums

  1. GitHub: Open-source projects related to blockchain technology can provide practical insight into how these systems are built and function.
  2. Stack Exchange: The Ethereum and Bitcoin sections are excellent for troubleshooting and learning from the challenges faced by others.
  3. Reddit: Subreddits like r/ethereum, r/solidity, and r/Blockchain are filled with discussions, resources, and updates.
  4. Medium: Many blockchain developers and enthusiasts write about their experiences and share tutorials on Medium.
  5. Blockchain Nigeria User Group.

Webinars, Workshops, and Meetups

Participate in webinars and virtual workshops on blockchain and Web3. Local meetups (safety permitting) can also be valuable for networking and learning from others’ experiences.

Plan to register and attend the upcoming Decentralized Intelligence Summit: A Web3 and AI Summit, to be held from 25–26 August 2023, at the Civic Center, Ozumba Mbadiwe Street, VI Lagos Nigeria.


Consider earning blockchain certifications from recognized platforms like Blockchain Council or the Linux Foundation. While not always necessary, they can validate your skills and knowledge.

Developing a Portfolio

A practical way to learn is by doing. Try building your own smart contracts or DApps, or contribute to open-source projects. Document your work to show potential employers your practical skills and learning journey.

Job Search Strategies and Tips

Once you’ve acquired the necessary skills and knowledge, the next step is to start your job search. Here are some strategies and tips that can help you land your first Web3 job.

1. Tailor Your Resume and Cover Letter: Customize your resume and cover letter to highlight relevant skills, experiences, and projects. Include any relevant certifications, participation in hackathons, contributions to open-source projects, or any prototypes you’ve built.

2. Networking: Networking plays a vital role in the job search. Attend industry events, meetups, webinars, or conferences to meet like-minded professionals. Join online forums and communities where you can connect with industry professionals. Engage in discussions and demonstrate your knowledge and enthusiasm.

3. Build Your Online Presence: Start a blog, create a GitHub repository, or contribute to discussions on forums like Reddit or Stack Exchange. Showcase your understanding of blockchain technologies and your ability to apply them in real-world scenarios.

4. Leverage Social Media: Use platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter to follow industry leaders, join relevant groups, and engage in discussions. Share content that demonstrates your knowledge and interest in the field.

5. Learn Continuously: The blockchain industry evolves rapidly, and keeping up-to-date with the latest developments is crucial. Regularly learning new skills and staying informed about industry trends can give you a competitive edge.

6. Job Boards and Websites: Look for job postings on blockchain-specific job boards like CryptoJobs, Blocktribe, and Crypto.Careers. Also, check the careers page of companies in the blockchain sector.

7. Internships and Apprenticeships: Consider internships or apprenticeships to gain hands-on experience. This can often lead to full-time opportunities.

8. Freelancing: Freelancing platforms like Upwork and Freelancer have numerous opportunities for blockchain developers, and can be a good way to gain practical experience.

9. Prepare for Interviews: Brush up on technical and industry knowledge. Be prepared to explain complex concepts simply, and to discuss your views on the potential and challenges of blockchain technology. If you’ve worked on any projects, be ready to discuss them in detail.

10. Persistence is Key: The job search can be challenging and may take time. Persistence is essential. Don’t get discouraged by rejections; instead, view them as learning experiences.

How AI can assist your Web3 job search:

  1. Career Advice: AI can provide information and advice about different job roles in the Web3 and blockchain sectors, the skills and qualifications they require, and the potential career paths you could take.
  2. Resume and Cover Letter Assistance: AI can provide tips on how to structure your resume and cover letter, what information to include, and how to tailor them for specific jobs in the Web3 sector.
  3. Interview Preparation: AI can help you prepare for interviews by suggesting potential interview questions and how to answer them. I can also provide tips on interview etiquette and how to communicate effectively.
  4. Technical Tests: For technical roles, AI can assist in preparing for technical tests by providing explanations and resources on relevant topics, such as blockchain concepts, programming languages, or coding problems.
  5. Job Hunting Tips: AI can offer advice on where to look for jobs, how to network, and other job-hunting strategies.
  6. Learning Resources: AI can recommend books, online courses, tutorials, blogs, and other resources where you can learn more about Web3 and blockchain.

Building Trust and Honesty in the Blockchain Industry

In an industry often tainted by negative headlines around scams, frauds, and lack of regulatory oversight, building a reputation of trust and honesty is not just important, but essential. In the Web3 and blockchain space, where the guiding principles are transparency and decentralization, your personal credibility carries significant weight.

Trust is an invaluable currency in this rapidly evolving sector. It’s not simply about being trustworthy in the eyes of potential employers or colleagues, but also becoming a reliable member of the larger blockchain community. Trust-building contributes to the overall health of the ecosystem and paves the way for more widespread adoption of Web3 technologies.

Demonstrate Transparency: Be transparent in your communications, whether it’s about your skills, your experiences, or your views on a particular issue. Openness about your successes and failures contributes to your authenticity and encourages others to do the same.

Show Consistency: Be consistent in your words and actions. Regularly update your skills and knowledge, follow through on your commitments, and stand by your values, even when faced with challenging situations.

Act with Integrity: Maintain a strong ethical stance. In an industry where regulations are still evolving, it’s crucial to uphold principles of fairness and honesty. Don’t endorse or engage in activities that could harm others or undermine the reputation of the sector.

Encourage Open Dialogue: Engage in open discussions, respect differing viewpoints, and foster an environment where people feel safe to express their ideas. This can help to build trustful relationships and a vibrant, inclusive community.

Contribute to the Community: Actively contribute to the blockchain community. This could involve participating in forums, contributing to open-source projects, or sharing educational content. Your contributions help establish your credibility and demonstrate your commitment to the growth of the industry.

Building a reputation of trust and honesty doesn’t happen overnight. It requires time, effort, and consistency. However, the trust you earn from your peers can open doors to opportunities and foster collaborations that might not otherwise be possible. It’s an investment that yields long-term rewards in your career and in the robustness and health of the Web3 community.

In any career, integrity is a foundational quality that can significantly impact your professional trajectory, and this is especially true in the world of Web3. Web3, powered by blockchain technology, is an industry built upon principles of transparency, decentralization, and trustless transactions. These principles rely heavily on the honesty, trustworthiness, and integrity of the individuals involved in shaping this industry.

In a room filled with opportunities, your reputation can precede you. When a chance arises, people often recommend individuals whose integrity they trust, as they stake their own reputation in doing so. If your integrity is in question, it can seriously hinder your chances of being considered for opportunities, regardless of how technically skilled or knowledgeable you might be.

In the context of Web3, where many interactions and transactions are pseudonymous or even anonymous, the trust factor becomes even more significant. Even if your actions might be separated from your real-world identity, their consequences can have long-lasting impacts on your professional reputation in the space.

Additionally, as the Web3 industry is still relatively young and evolving, it often operates in a grey zone of regulatory oversight. This demands an even higher standard of self-governance and ethical conduct from its participants. Missteps or dubious actions can not only tarnish your reputation but can also perpetuate negative perceptions of the industry as a whole, impeding its broader acceptance and development.

Web3 careers and jobs require a unique blend of technical acuity, strategic foresight, and unquestionable integrity. Upholding a strong moral compass can not only help you navigate your own professional journey in this space, but it also contributes to building a more trustworthy and robust Web3 ecosystem. So, make sure that in a room filled with opportunities, your name is associated with not just skill and knowledge, but also with unwavering integrity.



Chimezie Chuta

IT Professional & Drupal Web Developer. Trainer @ Lagos DrupalVersity. Founder, Blockspace.Digital, Coordinator, Blockchain Nigeria User Group, 3D Printing guy!